
Is it an ordeal to get dressed every morning? Do you have trouble finding the items you want to wear in your cramped closet? If you have to empty half of your wardrobe just to get to that cute dress or tailored pair of slacks, chances are you’re in need of a more functional closet design.

At Truax Design Centre, we’re committed to helping homeowners in Windsor and surrounding Ontario regions achieve harmony in their life with high-end custom closet designs! Tired of dealing with insufficient storage space? Create a closet that really works for you! Here are five reasons why every homeowner should consider a professionally designed custom closet for their home:

1. More space. Where you might see a small rectangular space, designers see potential for all types of storage: floor-to-ceiling shelves, elegant pull-out drawers, built-in cubbies, etc. Custom closet designs maximize the space available in your home to make everyday clothing easily accessible. You can free up floor space and accommodate all aspects of your wardrobe with a functional and beautiful modular unit configured to your bedroom’s specific dimensions. Closet space is not exclusive to your bedroom – storage space can free up room in your laundry, basement or hallway as well!

2. Less clutter. Have you heard of the power of purging? An organized closet should be a necessity, not a luxury. Custom organization systems like shoe racks, double-hanging rods, hide-away laundry baskets and pull-out drawers help you keep everything neatly stored and ready for use so that you can take charge of your morning routine. That’s right, no more ploughing through mounds of clothing to find something appropriate to wear!

3. Greater home value. A well-designed closet is usually high on a homebuyer’s list of priority features. Realtors are keen to point out the open closet space because they know that buyers look for efficient storage when shopping for a new home. An organized closet with a unique custom look is a sure-fire way to increase your home’s property value.

4. Attractive look. From solid wood shelves to polished chrome handles and moulded drawer panels, custom closets offer endless design options! Truax provides beautiful, on-trend storage units for every room in the home with custom designs to complement your interior decor. From reach-ins to walk-ins, custom closets enhance the beauty of your humble abode and contribute to a healthy return on investment.

5. Durability. Prefabricated, build-it-yourself models may be appealing, but not necessarily durable. Who knows how long that self-installed rack will last before it caves beneath the weight of your many pairs of shoes? Unlike cheaper materials, which are more likely to fail, quality designs will serve you well, even in the long run.

Your daily routine begins and ends with a trip to the closet. Therefore, an organized and functional storage system is essential for living in harmony. If you’re renovating your closet space, trust Truax—Windsor’s go-to design centre—for superior custom designs at competitive price points. Our creative and skilled professionals can help with every phase of the renovation work, from design to build.

Let Truax help you make the right choice for your space and budget. Your perfect closet is a phone call away.

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